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What to Expect at Our “Splash Day”

When you review the different swim instruction franchises offered by Streamline Brands, you’ll participate in a nine-step process that provides you with all of the information you need to make an informed decision about becoming a franchisee in our system:


1. Introductory 15-minute call with our franchise development team

  1. 2. Sign the NDA and receive an application

3. Introduction to the Streamline Brand franchise opportunities (and interactive discussion)

4. Review the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)

5. Financial due diligence – financing/funding options

6. One-on-one discussion with Streamline Brands CEO Matt Lane

7. Meet the Team at “Splash Day”

8. Analyze and choose your school’s location

9. Attend our training academy and complete your certifications


In this blog edition, we’ll be discussing Step 7, which we refer to internally as our “Splash Day.” This is our own little twist on what the industry typically refers to as “Discovery Day” or “Meet the Team Day.” It represents a significant step, as by this point both parties are serious about exploring a mutual agreement with one another.


What to Expect at Our “Splash Day”

Streamline Brand’s franchisee candidates will travel to the Denver, Colorado area for their personal “Splash Day.” These are typically conducted over the course of two business days. When you arrive and get settled, you’ll meet up with our executive team and tour several existing swim instruction schools to get an up close and personal look at the facilities and how we operate our franchises. Following this tour, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with individual members of our executive team.



During these meeting sessions, you can expect to discuss specific details about our business model and both parties will be determining whether they’re a good fit for one another. You’ll have separate meetings to discuss our day-to-day operations, the swim school’s curriculum, marketing, managing employees, real estate/site selection, and any necessary buildouts.


Wine and Dine

Day Two typically comes to a close with an elegant and private dinner with our executive leadership group, including our CEO Matt Lane. During this occasion, you’ll have the chance to share your thoughts on the “Splash Day” experience and have any final questions answered.


Decision Time!

Once your “Splash Day” experience concludes, the executive leadership team at Streamline Brands will meet to discuss your candidacy. It’s extremely important to have a unanimous decision to offer our prospects a franchise opportunity – and it’s something we don’t take lightly (and, neither should you!). Within the next 48 hours, you’ll hear from our brand representatives when a decision is reached. If you’re awarded a franchise, the ball moves over to your court for the final decision. Ultimately, you must decide to move forward and become a franchisee in our system. You won’t be pressured one way or another, though you can safely assume that if you’re extended an offer, we do want you to become a member of the Streamline Brands Family.


As the industry’s leading swim instruction franchise group, we’re dedicated to offering turnkey lessons that take swimmers through a natural progression of advancement. You can learn more about our individual brands here:



SafeSplash, SwimLabs, and Swimtastic are the fastest-growing swim school franchise brands and chances are there’s an opportunity near you. Finding a location is easy and fun. Simply visit our directory of schools, listed by state, and click on the results. If you’re interested in exploring franchise ownership with one of the Streamline Brands concepts, simply fill out this form and hit submit. We’ll be in touch soon!