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Women in Franchising - A Minority Passionately Rising to the Top!

Franchising has traditionally been a man’s world.  In 2015, an article in Entrepreneur Magazine stated that 71.9% of franchises are owned by men while only 28.1% are owed by women.”  In analyzing franchising trends, experts believe women are quietly rising to the top of the franchise world.  What is changing?  Are women gravitating toward a specific brand?  Have you missed the fast-moving train?


More and more women are turning to franchising because of two main trends:

  • If you give her a system and process to follow, she has the passion and drive to make it succeed.  Fix a car? Create a sign?  Own a swim school?  There is nothing women can’t do.

  • The franchise world is waking up to the fact that women have all the traits desired in a successful franchisee. To capture these dynamic women, we first tried to shove them into models that already exist. The smart franchise brands went ahead and created models that speak directly to women.



Mom has the highest work ethic and a faithful tribe

Franchises that speak to mom are some of the fastest growing franchises in the industry.  It is no surprise to see that women are scooping up valuable territory and creating “go to” locations in their neighborhoods.




New business is all about sales

Some franchisors have creative ways of changing the word “sales” but the bottom line is that every new business has a strong sales element to it.  There are two interesting reasons why women excel at this business skill:


Women tend to be natural networkers

  • Women don’t just BUY a product, they advocate for it with power and conviction. Women want everyone to benefit from their great discovery.  If women are convinced that a franchise opportunity delivers true value, they are like a one-woman marketing machine.

Women own their neighborhoods

  • Work, errands, volunteer at school- moms know every aspect of the neighborhoods they live and work in. Reaching out to other businesses or connecting with school is just a part of their everyday life.  Mom never considered it “sales” but she is actually networking every day.



The minority will become the majority very soon

Women are risk adverse but dominate if they believe:


  • •Women want control without being alone. Franchising has given women the power to be business owners while belonging to something larger

  • Franchising allows ownership with flexibility

  • The corporate world can no longer offer job security. Franchising is giving women the ability to be in control of their destiny and success.

Streamline Brands (SafeSplash, SwimLabs and Swimtastic Swim Schools) have a strong connection to “mom”.  We are looking to partner with women who own their local neighborhoods, have strong connections to families and enjoy teaching a life skill to children.  We see a very natural fit for women transitioning out of the business world or mom looking to capitalize on the strong connections she currently has in her community. 



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