Streamline Brands CEO, Matt Lane, is speaking at the 2017 World Aquatic Health Conference (WAHC) Thursday, October 19. His presentation, "Swim School - The Secrets to Why They Work", will introduce and educate attendees on the success the swim school giant has garnered.
Bringing Together Leaders in the Aquatic Community
Established October 3rd, 2004, The World Aquatic Health Conference believes that "the world needs more people living healthier lives using aquatic venues". As swimming is one of the best aerobic exercises a person can do you might understand those sentiments. "Swimming is sometimes called "the perfect form of exercise," explains the University of Arizona, because it provides an excellent cardiovascular workout while having a very low impact on the joints and muscles" summarizes fitness website LiveStrong.com.
The non-profit organization donates proceeds from their products and services to fund research and to encourage swimming as an activity. Streamline Brands is proud to be a part of this message.
Streamline Brands is the leading franchisor of swim school concepts on the planet. With over 150 swim schools in our network, spanning 3 brands, SafeSplash Swim Schools, Swimtastic Swim Schools, and SwimLabs Swim Schools. Looking to inspire others to get involved in the space, Matt will be discussing market trends, best practices, and will look to give predictions for the next 5 years in the field. As an innovator and industry leader, Streamline is poised to continue to grow their presence in the franchise community. They are also partnered with high-power organizations like Speedo USA, USA Swimming, and 5-time Olympic Gold Medalist, Missy Franklin. This is not to neglect the large number of Olympian and Master-level swim athletes teaching and associated with the franchising powerhouse.
If you are interested in learning more about Streamline Brands or one of our sister brands please feel free to contact the Streamline Brands Franchise Development team and we'd be happy to answer your questions about franchise opportunities!
Kulas, Michelle. “Is 30 Minutes of Swimming Better Than Running on the Treadmill for One Hour?” LIVESTRONG.COM, Leaf Group, 11 Sept. 2017, www.livestrong.com/article/481456-is-30-minutes-of-swimming-better-than-running-on-the-treadmill-for-one-hour/.